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Writer's pictureKJ

Reflocking a frog.

I always wanted a yellow frog, yet only 10 exist in the world, a limited edition. Needless to say I won't find any, nor could or would I afford one. See the pics in my friend's fantastic website:

But I had a poorly looking frog who could use some help. Color faded, flocking was spread thin and patchy. I don't mind a faded frog, I have one, as you will see at the bottom of this blog, but this one looked too shabby.

Cleared the current flocking with acetone and a good scrub with a rag, rinsed it well with soapy water, let it dry.

This is a perfect base to start the reflocking procedure. But, since the green skin and yellow differ so much, I had to paint it first.

Painted the base yellow and let it dry. The yellow color was the brightest and palest yellow acrylic for model painting I could find. Took 4 coats to cover it up, spread thin, using a brush and a kitchen sponge.

The arms, legs and head were cut back free to move, using a scalpel. No slicing with the scalpel, just pressing it down gently around the "seem", between both moving parts. You can rip the paint otherwise.

Repainted the white of the eyes, cleaned the pupils with acetone and made them shine again with glossy nail polish.

Applied superglue gel thinly on parts with a superglue pen. Be careful! Superglue is dangerous to work with on your body! The gel doesn't run like the liquid version, makes it a bit more controllable to apply. The pen's tip worked well to spread the gel open. Make sure that the seems between moving parts are not glued together! No need to spread the superglue gel over their "seem".

The back was easiest, did that in one go. Practice makes skill, the backside is therefore the best place to start. The front was done in 7 sessions. Use a metal fine wire sieve to tap the flocking over the glue. Use a thick layer, the excess will fall off anyway.

If the flocking is long like mine, or coarse, you actually very gently need to touch it gently, so enough sticks to the base. Don't press too hard, or the flocking will lay flat.

The gel does not dry fast, I leave it for 12 hours resting on a side where the new flocking won't get pressed. 12 hours later, tap till the excess falls off. Mo worries, the eyes only appear to be covered, lol!

If you miss a spot, or a spot is not filled up thick enough, just apply some more glue, sprinkle flocking on thickly, touch it very gently to make it set in place.

Since this flocking was too long, it actually can be cut short with sharp scissors once it's set and dried. Like hairdressing, lol. I could not find suitable yellow flocking in this exact color cheap, so this had to do.

It was fun to cut shorter, lol! If the result failed, I would just have removed everything with acetone and have a skinny green frog.

I hope you like it as much as I do, I am really chuffed!! But, it looks even better than I hoped for! Hub really likes her too!

A nice frog trio to leap across the street!

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Sophie LaFontaine
Sophie LaFontaine
Nov 09, 2023

Wonderful flocking tutorial!

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